"SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM - AUTUMN CALL" competition winners announced

"SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM - AUTUMN CALL" (2023) competition announced by the "Huma Quşu" Educational Support Fund for Azerbaijani citizens who want to get bachelor's and master's education in Azerbaijan and abroad has been concluded.

More than 60 applications were submitted in connection with the competition, from which 17 applications were selected and submitted to the evaluation of the members of the Board of Directors.

As a result of the evaluation of the applications submitted to the competition and the conducted interviews, 2 participants were declared the winners of the competition and were awarded a grant in the amount of 2500 AZN:

1. Ahmed Agamaliyev. Baku Higher Oil School. Information security

2. Khumar Rahmanova. Aegean University. Doctorate. Stem cell

Taking into account the high scores, successfully passing the interview, as well as the possibility of additional funds collected, it was decided to declare 3 more participants the winners of the competition and award them with a grant of 2500 AZN:

1. Ayan Aslanova. Baku Music Academy named after Uzeyir Hajibeyov. Instrumental Performance. Fortepiano

2. Afag Ismiyeva. Ankara Music and Fine Arts University. Music Theory

3. Raul Huseynov. ADA University. Diplomacy and International Relations

Jeyran Bayramova, who studies law at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was declared the winner of the specially established "COURAGE GRANT" nomination for overcoming difficult obstacles with educational determination, demonstrating high academic success, as well as the development potential she demonstrated during the interview was awarded a grant in the amount of 1500 AZN.

The "Huma Quşu " Educational Support Fund congratulates the winners and emphasizes once again that they will achieve serious success in the field of science, education, and experience, promoting and representing Azerbaijan at the world level, as well as shaping the potential aimed at the development of our country.